If anyone needed further evidence of just how far out on the wacko fringe Ginny is,
just click here. Ginny, you realize that if you take out all the West Bend residents who aren't afraid of homosexuals, who don't think gay kids should be bullied, don't think magic should be taught in science class, thinks a charter school proposal shouldn't be a cut-and-paste job and don't think taxpayer dollars should go to a school that teaches magic as fact, you will end up with like, a dozen citizens left, right?
Anyone think maybe her whole blog was hacked in an attempt to make her look like a 9/11 Truther? Dan, can you please ask her? I know she doesn't come here too often ;)
Oh and Ginny, why didn't you post video of Mary Weigand talking last night? I thought I saw you taping her as well. Can you please post it? It was flipping amazing.